Movie Technology

Persistence of Vision

The technology of movies began with the persistence of vision. Persistence of vision is a way of tricking the brain into thinking that something is moving but it is really just a series of still images. The first piece of technology was a device called the Thaumatrope. The Thaumatrope was a small disc with an image on each side. One of the images was a bird and on the other side, a cage. When the Thaumatrope was spun using the strings attached to both sides it looked as though the bird was inside the cage.


This led to many other inventions using this sort of movement to try and fool the brain into thinking it was seeing a moving image. Most noteably was the Zoetrope. The Zoetrope was first known as the Daedlum invented by William George Horner in 1834. This device looked like a drum with an open top. It had a strip of images inside the drum that were viewed through one of the thirteen holes around it. When looking through one of the holes the image reel would be spun and you would see a moving picture. Almost 30 years later the Zoetrope was patented by William E. Lincoln in America.


Motion Pictures

Eadweard Muybridge produced about a half a second of video use his device, the zoopraxiscope. On October 17, 1888, Thomas Edison described to that patent office something as he said, "would do for the eye what the phonograph does for the ear." This was after Edison was visited by Eadweard Muybridge. Muybridge had proposed that Edison combine his phonograph with Muybridge's zoopraxiscope. Edison was not interested at the time but then filed his patent for the kinetoscope. The kinetiscope was revolutionary but it's biggest flaw was that it only allowed one person to watch the film at a time. The vitascope, invented by C. Francis Jenkins and Thomas Armat, was one of the first film projectors. Edison produced films and marketed the vitascope under Armat's name until the Edison Company invented their own projector called the projectoscope.


Louis Lumiere's cinematographe is credited with the start of modern cinema. What Lumiere invented covered everthing needed to shoot and watch a movie in a portable camera. It included a projector and film processing unit. He is also the first man along with his brother to have a paying audience viewing the first projected show in France. America's first showing in an actual movie theatre was on April 23, 1896 and used the Edison company's projectoscope.


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