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Saved by Sean Desilets
on November 19, 2009 at 5:10:54 pm




Film History and Aesthetics Wiki

A Project of Film 110: Introduction to Film History and Aesthetics at Westminster College

By: Air Dupaix, Kathryn Hansen, Jessica Knight, Nykki Montaño, William Palm, Monty Risenhoover, Tony Rivas, Ian Stephens, and Sam Webster


Clip Requests 


11.17 From Air

I need three clips (from Final Cut)

Clip from 41:29 to 42:23 Deckard's dream



Clip from 1:05:41 to 1:06:41 Rachael and Deckard's glowing eyes.


[Viddler seems to be insistently screwing up the dubbing in this scene. The file itself looks fine, but when I send it to Viddler it ends up screwy after their decoding. The visual stuff, however, is ok]


Clip from 1:51:38 to 1:52:15 Deckard's discovery of the origami unicorn.



11.17 From Nykki

I need a Blade Runner clip showing the inside of Deckard's apartment in the scene before he kisses Rachael. I only have the theatrical cut to get times off of right now so my times I have down are from 1:04:43 to 1:07:19. But as long as you can see that the apartment lighting in that scene it should be ok. Thanks!



Tony could also benefit from this same clip :)


Announcements, etc



Here and here are two readings for Tuesday. We will also talk about the fate of the wiki



By the way, major edit and wiki maintenance grades for last week (11.6-11.12) are up.



We didn't talk about major edits that will be due for the 19th. Will somebody start a list?


Also, I forgot to mention that my intro to lit class is screening The Big Sleep today at 5:30 in Gore B24. It's one of the classic films of the noir period, and Blade Runner alludes to it. So feel free to come watch if you'd like.



Here's some reading on Miike.


And here's the publication information on the Blade Runner article:

Desser, David. "Blade Runner: Science Fiction and Transcendence." Literature/

Film Quarterly 13.3 (1985): 172-9.



I'll be holding my office hours in the Foster Faculty Lounge (main floor Foster Hall) on the morning of 11.10. We'lll be talking about Blade Runner Tuesday, so make sure you see it before then.



Wiki Maintenance and Major Edit grades are up for 10.30-11.5.



Some reading for next week here




New Original Pages for 11.17

Ian:Film Noir

Nykki: Lighting in Blade Runner

Air: The Replicants

Tony: Bladerunner: Version History

Will:The Portrayal of the Future, in Film

Sam: Allusions in Blade Runner

Kathryn: Desser Article

Monty: Blade Runner


Major edits due 11.19

Air: Cinema Novo

Ian: The Replicants

William: Lighting in Blade Runner

Tony: Film Noir

Nykki: Mise-en-Scene in 2001

Sam: Allusions in 2001




Candidate: Narrative analysis





New pages due 12.1

Tony: Audition

Ian: Editing in Audition

Kathryn: Gender politics in Audition

William: Miike

Air: Dew article

Monty: Japanese horror

Nykki: "Dream sequence"

Sam: Society/film



Major Edits Due Tonight:

Ian wrote his on Film Music

Sam wrote his on HAL

Nykki added to Interpretations of 2001

Air worked on 2001: A Space Odyssey

Monty: Fritz Lang

Tony: Color in The Holy Mountain

Crap! I forgot to post this here William did his on Color in The Holy Mountain


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