Film History and Aesthetics Wiki
A Project of Film 110: Introduction to Film History and Aesthetics at Westminster College
By: Air Dupaix, Kathryn Hansen, Jessica Knight, Nykki Montaño, William Palm, Monty Risenhoover, Tony Rivas, Ian Stephens, and Sam Webster
Clip Requests
11.3 From Nykki
I need a 2001 clip from 1:56:57-1:58:37 (the star gate scene). Thanks!
Maybe my DVD has different times or I wrote them down wrong or something but the above clip is too early and doesn't include the star gate sequence. I'll try looking up the times again soon and throw another request up here.-Nykki
11.3 From Kathryn: the match on action bone to space weapon in 2001. Just a shot of each. Thanks
[That's not a match on action. A match on action involves one continuous movement, and the edit is designed to show a continuous flow of time. This is a match cut or a graphic match.]
11.3 From Sam: 1:49:22 - 1:53:41 in 2001. Dave approaching HAL's logic room and turning him off. A long clip, yes, but it is 2001 soo... unavoidable. Air's clip comes right after the end of this one too, I believe.
11.3 From Air to magnamous clip masters: I need the clip of Dave entering Hal's brain to where Dr. Floyd reveals the true mission. I don't know the times for this clip. I will try to get them asap!--correction I just need the same clip as Sam.
For both of you:
Announcements, etc
Some reading for next week here.
New original pages are due tonight, and obvious you will present them Thursday.
Major edit and wiki maintence grades for 10.23 through 10.29 are up. There are a lot of Fs. Please be aware that these factors combine represent 60% of your final grade. You can get a way with an F or two in either category, but you don't want to make a habit of it.
Tony will screen The Holy Mountain Monday night. Just to be on the safe side, it might be worthwhile to know who's going to that screening. Can we have a virtual show of hands?
Also, major edits are due tonight. Assignments below (Ian, you owe Air a thank you--she yirlded her major edit request to you).
Hey guys, sorry I am not there right now - I have a mentee meeting w/ Dr. Hodgson @ 2:30, I will come straight to class afterwards. These are unavoidable circumstances. -Tony
1. So the library does have a copy of The Holy Mountain, but it's only searchable by the name of the box set it appears in: The Films of Alejandro Jodorowsky. Unfortunately, The Holy Mountain has been checked out for an alarming period--but I've asked the library to try to reel it back in. If that fails, we may have to switch to a different Jodorowky film.
Tony: I have a copy of the film straight from the boxed set, so if it's not a problem we could use my DVD. Either way though.
2. I've also dropped off my copy of 2001 with them, so that should be up on reserve soon.
3. New pages are due tonight. Don't forget to indicate that you've done them on the front page.
Wiki Maintenance and Major Edit grades from 10.9-10.22 are up.
1. Major edits are due tonight.
2. William will run the 2001 screening Monday night.
3. Here's the reasing for Tuesday.
Ian did his on Exterminating Fetuses: Abortion, Disarmament, and the Sexo-Semiotics of Extraterrestrialism
Monty: 2001: A Space Odyssey
Air did her original page on HAL.
Will did his original page on Interpretations of 2001
Same did his on Editing in 2001: A Space Odyssey
Nykki did hers on Mise en Scene in 2001 A Space Odyssey
Tony did his on Stanley Kubrick
New Pages due 11.10
William: Color in Holy Mountain
Tony: Occult symbolism in Holy Mountain
Kathryn: Alejandro Jodorowsky
Monty: Color
Air: Optical trickery in film
Nykki: Narrative analysis (story/discourse) (plot/story)
Ian: American sixties counterculture (analytical emphasis)
Sam: The Holy Mountain
Major Edits Due 11/5
Nykki: her future 2001 page
Air: symbolic objects
Ian: Camera movement in 12 Angry Men
Major Edits for 10.29
Air: more on Messianic themes in Metropolis
Ian: symbolics of objects
Tony will look around
Kathryn: German Expressionism
Monty improved, redid/rewrote and added to Sound in 12 Angry Men
Sam: Editing in Birth of a Nation
Nykki: working on the Acting page
Note to Air, from Ian: Thank you bunches for the very kind gift of your major edit. I'll do my very best to give your page the respect, reverence, and detailed attention it so richly deserves :)
Note to Ian, from Air: Hey no problem I am sure you'll make the page so much more. Hope you get better soon!
New Pages:
Acting in 12 Angry Men -Nykki
Editing in The Birth of a Nation - Sam
Symbolism of Objects in Cinema - Air
Character Development-Will
Sidney Lumet - Tony
12 Angry Men- Kathryn
Sound: 12 Angry Men - Monty
Camera Movement in 12 Angry Men- Ian
New Pages due 11.3
2001: Monty
Kubrick: Tony
Sofia's article: Ian
Cool mise-en-scene in 2001: Nykki
HAL: Air
Narrative structure of film (repetitions): Kathryn
Conflicting interpretations of 2001: William
Editing in some specific scene: Sam
Alright so the library did not have the movie 2001... to watch when I went and tried to get it for the screening, thusly.....the screening did not happen. The only copy was checked out so I hope we can try to find a way to watch it again or something. Sorry guys but I did all I could. Did someone forget to turn it back in? I checked online and it said that the item was "missing". What does tha even mean? Anyways I guess we will figure this out in class.
Major Edits due tonight:
-Ian on Auteur Theory
-Sam on Depth Of Field
-William did his major edit on Framing :D
-Nykki worked on the Continuity Editing page again
-Monty added the Diegetic and Non-Diegetic sound page to Sound in Film and will
be doing more with the clips when i acquire them.
Kathryn did hers on The Grand Illusion but forgot to put it here, sorry.
Air's note- Sorry I couldn't make it to class today, my partner is having some family issues that I needed to be home/with her for. But as for today, are we doing still doing orignal pages tonight because I can't for the life of me remember. If not, I'm going to work on the blackface page now because it needs lots of love. Thanks guys, see you Thursday.
Air--no new pages for tonight. We've assigned you one for next week, though. Hope your partner's ok. --Sean
Major edits due 10.22
Auteur Theory: Ian
Framing: William
Continuity Editing: Nykki
Depth of Field: Sam
Metropolis itself: Tony
Grand Illusion: Kathryn
Sound: Monty
Blackface: Air
New Pages due 10.27
Acting in 12 Angry Men: Nykki
Character development (in 12 Angry Men?): William
Symbolism of objects in cinema: Air
Sound in 12 Angry Men: Monty
Editing in Birth of a Nation: Sam
Lumet: Tony
12 Angry Men: Kathryn
Camera movement in 12 Angry Men: Ian
New Original Pages:
Camera Movement in La Grande Illusion - Nykki
Fritz Lang - Monty
Messianic Themes in Metropolis - Air
Sam now knows why Jessica is no longer in the class - the Film Narrative page
William had his page done but forgot to link it here until now! sorry guys
he did Metropolis
Tony did German Expressionism (forgot to link)
Ian did Auteur Theory
Kathryn :Expressionist mise-en scene in Metropolis.
- Ian will talk about The Battleship Potemkin page, and maybe the Parallel Editing page.
- Nykki will talk about the Lillian Gish and/or the Georges Méliès page
- Kathryn: Blackface.
- Air will blather on about either Actualities or Set Design and Locations.
- Sam on Framing and Soviet Montage... and might justify the weak editing page
-William did his on Acting
Major edits due tonight:
-Sam on the Ideology in Film page (the second clip could be shortened, but I'm not sure if that can be done from youtube and it doesn't give me times on the DVD to request a clip with)
Tony did his on Cinematic Responses to Fascism
Air did hers on Jean Renoir
Ian did his on Queer Cinema
Nykki added to the Camera Movement page
Monty broke up and expanded French Cinema
Kathryn worked on Class in Film Hope it's alright, I did this without permission
Air's Note: I'm sort of using the article "Cocteau's Beauty & The Beast: The Poet as Monster" from last week to work on my page for tonight and I completly forgot the author of said article. If any of you, my fine fellow classmates could tell me the author's name that would be wonderful. Thanks! Also I need the clip of the beast proposing to Beauty the second time, I think its between 46:27 to 46:40.
Sam's response: I think it's.... Michael Popkin? That's the name at the end of the essay... so I'm gonna say that's it.
Sean: Yep, Sam's right. I'll have to grab that clip for Air as the disc's encrypted. Should be able to get it tomorrow.
Finished Original pages:
Ian FINALLY did his on Film Music
Air did her original page on Queer Cinema
Sam did his on Framing
Nykki did hers on Mise en Scene in La Belle et la Bete
Monty did his on Beauty and the Beast
Tony did his on Special Effects
Kathryn did hers on Jean Cocteau
William did his on Depth Of Field
Pages due 10.13.09
Tony: German Expressionism
William: Metropolis
Monty: Fritz Lang
Air: Messianic themes in Metropolis
Sam: Narrative
Ian: Auteur theory
Nykki: camera movement in The Grand Illusion Kathryn: Expressionist mise-en-scene in Metropolis
Jessica: relationship or either theater or literature to film
Major Edit pages
Ian did his major edit on Set Design and Locations
Air did her major edit on Film: "The Stuff"
Tony did MORE on Blackface
Sam slapped a couple more examples onto the Continuity Editing page
Nykki worked on the Lighting page
Air's note: I changed the navigation for the Works Consulted page to something a little more logical like the alphabet. I'm going to go through and get rid of the other anchors on the page but in doing so I may screw up a few times. Just be aware that your sources may die or not actually go anywhere like the link is now. I don't know what happened to it but the page made the link disappear after going back and forth between the source and the regular page. Maybe this is an issue with the wiki? Gremlins in the computers?
Major Edit Assignments for 10.8.09
Ian: Queer Cinema
Air: More on Jean Renoir
Nykki: More on camera movement
Monty: More on French cinema
Tony: More on cinematic responses to fascism
Kathryn: More on Class in film
Original page assignments for 10.6
* Beauty and the Beast--Monty
* Jean Cocteau--Kathryn
* Queer cinema so to speak--Air
* Depth of field--William
* Music--Ian
* Mise-en-scene in B & B--Nykki
* "Special effects"--Tony
* Camera position/magnification--"framing"--Sam
* Narrative--Jessica
Original Pages
Ian did his page on Sound in Film
Air did her page on Jean Renior
Nykki did hers on Camera Movement
William did his page on The Grand Illusion
Sam did his for Bazin on The Grand Illusion
Tony did his on
Cinematic Responses to Fascism
Monty did his on French Cinema
Hope they help! --Nykki
Those help a ton thanks! I can't believe I couldn't find them.
-I think it should be decided that Nykki deserves some sort of award for general awesome-ness and industry.
Ian's Note: I tried to use a custom font for the title of the wiki, but it seems to be reverting back to a decidedly not-exciting font instead. Sorry for messing things up...I'll find a way to get the old silver logo back.
-Sam's comment: I dunno, I kinda like it this way. It's... classy.
-Nykki: like ron burgundy....
all kidding aside I too like the way it looks now, either works though!
-Monty: by the way it was a picture I made so you really can't put it back up without my files or reverting to
a previous version, but if everyone likes this there's no reason too.
And by Orpheus I'm Sure Sean really means The Beauty and the Beast. Although if you'd like to watch Orpheus I'd be more than happy to lend you my copy of the film.
Major Edit assignments that we all blew off till tonight:
- Sam: is gonna try to do one on the parallel editing page.
- Air is going to work on the aesthetics of the Griffith clip.
- William is going to work on Mise en Scene.
- Nykki is going to work on the continuity editing page.
- Ian will work on The Battleship Potemkin page (I didn't ask for permission to work on my own page...apologies all around).
- Nykki votes that working on your own page is A-ok! Go for it!
- Jessica did her major edit on the Acting page.
-Tony added and edited information on the Eisenstein page.
Major edit assignments (due 10.1)
-Kathryn: Thomas Edison
Sam: Potemkin
-Lighting: Nykki
-Tony: Still more on blackface
-Ian: Set Design
-Air: Death of film
-William: Coninuity editing
Pages due next week on the 29th
-The Grand Illusion: William
-Jean Renoir: Air
-Class in film: Kathryn
-Sound: Ian
-Narrative style: Jessica
-French Cinema: Monty
-Camera Movement: Nykki
-Responses to fascism: Tony
-Bazin on Grand Illusion: Sam
New pages due October 22nd
Lighting by William
Film: "The Stuff" by Nykki
Set Design and Locations by Air
Soviet Montage by Sam
Ideology in Film by Jessica
The Battleship Potemkin by Ian
Sergei Eisenstein by Tony
Eisenstein"s Essay by Kathryn
Air's note:
Hey Everyone,
Should we always do a page on the current genre of film we are watching or no? Like for this week we'd be doing a page on the Soviet Montage of Einstein or will that be taken care of with the three pages dedicated to him? Im just thinking that the actualities page might be a little lonely as the only film genre we've covered, especially if we've passed on the cool things happening in Russia, Germany and France during the pre-war years.
Jessica's note about Air's note:
I think that's a totally brill idea!
Ian's note about Air's note in response to Jessica's note:
I second the above brill- it's a really good idea.
William's note in responce to Ian's comment refering to Jessica's reference to Air
It sounds brilliant.
Jessica did her major edit on Kinetoscope
Ian completed the major edit on Gunning
Air took on Actualities for her major edit
Nykki did her ME working on the Melies page
TJ did his ME on the Blackface page
William did his major edit on Lumière brothers Film examples
Major edit on Edwin Porter Kathryn
Major edits: (Next Week)
Jessica - Acting
Continuity Editing
Parallel Editing (Cross-Cutting)
Lillian Gish
The Birth of a Nation
Axis of Action
David Llewelyn Wark Griffith
Hey yalls, I found a great website that is somewhat what we are trying to do here. Check it out
New pages for next Tuesday:
Kathryn: Eistenstein's essay
Tony: Esienstein
Ian: Potemkin
Jessica: Film as ideology
Soviet Montage: Sam (Film History)
Nykki: The Stuff
William: lighting (mise-enscene)
Monty: Cinematography
Air: Set design/location (mise-en-scene)
Possibility: history of trailer
Major Edit Assignments:
Air on Actualities
Ian political implications of Gunning
William Lumiere bros. examples
Nykki: Melies ditto
Kathryn: More on Porter
Tony: ?
Sam: A Trip to the Moon
Jessica: ?
Monty: ?
Major edits:
Air on Actualties...
William on Lumiere brother film examples...
Edwin Stanton Porter
Georges Méliès
Thomas Edison
A Trip to the Moon
The Lumière Brothers
Film Editing
The Cinema of Attraction
Movie Technology
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