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Saved by Nykki Montano
on September 20, 2009 at 2:40:13 pm




A Project of Film 110: Introduction to Film History and Aesthetics at Westminster College

By: Air Dupaix, Kathryn Hansen, Jessica Knight, Nykki Montaño, William Palm, Monty Risenhoover, Tony Rivas, Ian Stephens, and Sam Webster



Ready Set:




Mothlight: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yt3nDgnC7M8

Dog star Man, part II: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C_j2leCH7OQ&feature=PlayList&p=FB59F761A76FFB4D&playnext=1&playnext_from=PL&index=9




Major edits are due tonight. I do have a reading for Metropolis, and i'll get that out to you guys tomorrow.


The Metropolis screening will be at the Tower at 7 PM Monday.



Don't forget to read one another's pages carefully before we meet tomorrow.




Air's note:

Hey Everyone,

Should we always do a page on the current genre of film we are watching or no? Like for this week we'd be doing a page on the Soviet Montage of Einstein or will that be taken care of with the three pages dedicated to him? Im just thinking that the actualities page might be a little lonely as the only film genre we've covered, especially if we've passed on the cool things happening in Russia, Germany and France during the pre-war years.


Jessica's note about Air's note:

I think that's a totally brill idea!



Jessica did her major edit on Kinetoscope page

Ian completed the major edit on Gunning

Air took on Actualities for her major edit

Nykki did her ME working on the Melies page


Major edits: (Next Week)

Jessica - Acting




Continuity Editing

Parallel Editing (Cross-Cutting)

Lillian Gish

The Birth of a Nation

Axis of Action



David Llewelyn Wark Griffith


Hey yalls, I found a great website that is somewhat what we are trying to do here. Check it out


New pages for next Tuesday:

     Kathryn: Eistenstein's essay

     Tony: Esienstein

     Ian: Potemkin

     Jessica: Film as ideology

     Soviet Montage: Sam (Film History)

     Nykki: The Stuff

     William: lighting (mise-enscene)

     Monty: Cinematography

     Air: Set design/location (mise-en-scene)


Possibility: history of trailer


Major Edit Assignments:

     Air on Actualities

     Ian political implications of Gunning

     William Lumiere bros. examples

     Nykki: Melies ditto

     Kathryn: More on Porter

     Tony: ?

     Sam: A Trip to the Moon

     Jessica: ?

     Monty: ? 



Major edits:

Air on Actualties...

William on Lumiere brother film examples...



Edwin Stanton Porter

Georges Méliès 

Thomas Edison

A Trip to the Moon

The Lumière Brothers


Film Editing

The Cinema of Attraction

Movie Technology

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