A Project of Film 110: Introduction to Film History and Aesthetics at Wesiminster College
By: Air Dupaix, Kathryn Hansen, Jessica Knight, Nykki Montaño, William Palm, Monty Risenhoover, Tony Rivas, Ian Stephens, and Sam Webster
Ready Set:
Mothlight: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yt3nDgnC7M8
Dog star Man, part II: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C_j2leCH7OQ&feature=PlayList&p=FB59F761A76FFB4D&playnext=1&playnext_from=PL&index=9
Major edits are due tonight. I do have a reading for Metropolis, and i'll get that out to you guys tomorrow.
The Metropolis screening will be at the Tower at 7 PM Monday.
Don't forget to read one another's pages carefully before we meet tomorrow.
Major edits:
Jessica - Acting
Continuity Editing
Parallel Editing (Cross-Cutting)
Lillian Gish
The Birth of a Nation
Axis of Action
David Llewelyn Wark Griffith
Hey yalls I found a great website that is somewhat what we are trying to do here. Check it out
New pages for next tuesday:
Kathryn: Eistenstein's essay
Tony: Esienstein
Ian: Potemkin
Jessica: Film as ideology
Soviet Montage: Sam (Film History)
Nykki: The Stuff
William: lighting (mise-enscene)
Monty: Cinematography
Air: Set design/location (mise-en-scene)
Possibility: history of trailer
Major Edit Assignments:
Air on Actualities
Ian political implications of Gunning
William Lumiere bros. examples
Nykki: Melies ditto
Kathryn: More on Porter
Tony: ?
Sam: A Trip to the Moon
Jessica: ?
Monty: ?
Major edits:
Air on Actualties...
William on Lumiere brother film examples...
Edwin Stanton Porter
Georges Méliès
Thomas Edison
A Trip to the Moon
The Lumière Brothers
Film Editing
The Cinema of Attraction
Movie Technology
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